Friday, September 27, 2019

A HAM is an amateur radio, it is a wireless communication technology. It brings people, electronics and communication together. Radio amateurs have access to frequency allocations throughout the RF spectrum. This enables communication across a town, region, country, continent, the world, all without the Internet or cell phones. It's fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need. Amateur radio operators are known as technical innovators, and have been responsible for important discoveries. In several countries, amateur radio operators may additionally send, receive, or relay radio communications between computers or transceivers connected to secure virtual private networks on the web. A HAM Radio station can be set up anywhere, at club station or even at home. To operate on radio frequencies one should pass the examination conducted by the FCC(Federal Communications Commission). Amateur Communication is done on various bands from 1.8 MHz to several hundred gigahertz.

HAM Club of KCT

The HAM Club of KCT was inaugurated on 4th October 2018. The logo of the club was launched on the same day. Since then several events were conducted. Workshops entitled Radio For Everybody was held on 4th Feb 2019 and during Yugam 2019 Events such as HAM Horror Hunt, Fox Hunt and Walk with Walkie were conducted during 7th,8th and 9th February.

The Club Incharge Mr.Karthikeyan led the HAM relief operation for Gaja Cyclone at Karaikal. The real heroes faced a lot of hurdles but the need to help kept them going. 


HAM Lens is an event with innovative questions to tackle your interest and curiosity about disaster and rescue measures. It was a good platform for the participants to bring out their communication skills, Puzzle solving skills and Social awareness. At first the participants were divided into teams, the host of the event explained them the usage on working of HAM. The team of two students were asked to pick a virtual situation randomly and they were made to communicate through HAM.

The event was entertaining and informative. It gave a clear idea to act during critical situations and made the participants realize their level of communication and logical thinking.