Tuesday, April 7, 2020

All India Radio(AIR) - Coimbatore

All India Radio(AIR), CBE - Ramanathapuram and Chettipalayam

All India Radio(AIR) - Coimbatore is one of the nodal centres for FM radio broadcasting. In Coimbatore “Rainbow FM - 103MHz” is being broadcasted at respective slots in the radio community. Do you know the background skeleton of broadcasting Rainbow FM and other programs of chennai and delhi?
Let’s explore!

Coimbatore radio station broadcasts "Rainbow FM 103 MHz" and it also broadcasts the programs from Chennai and Delhi. The programs from Chennai and Delhi will be transmitted to Coimbatore (All India Radio Station) through the GSAT-10 satellite. The GSAT-10 is a Indian communication satellite which has 30 transponders consisting of KU bands and C bands. In All India Radio, the dish (parabolic reflector) antenna receives the signal from the GSAT-10 satellite. This satellite is 35,600 kilometres away from the earth surface. The signal from the satellite travels 35,600 kilometres and reaches the parabolic reflector antenna in the range of nano (or) pico (or) femto watts. This received signal is processed in the AIR, Ramanathapuram. The processed signal will be sent to Podanur Chettipalayam station through a microwave link.

Fig. 1 : Dish antenna - (AIR-Ramanathapuram)

The above figure(fig.1) is the dish antenna with parabolic reflector which is installed to receive the signal from GSAT-10 satellite. This antenna is located at AIR-Ramanathapuram.

Near Podanur, Chettipalayam station is the place where the programs are broadcasted around Coimbatore. This is located 10 kilometers away from AIR-Ramanathapuram.

In Chettipalayam station, there is a microwave antenna to receive the signal from AIR-Ramanathapuram. The received signal will be processed in Chettipalayam station and broadcasted  around coimbatore.
Can you guess why the two stations are isolated??

The need of Chettipalayam station is to boost the signal power. Here, In Chettipalayam, the signal is boosted to the power of 10,000 watts(10KW). One of the deciding factors to  transmit a signal over a long distance is power (signal’s power). To transmit a signal all around Coimbatore, we need large power to carry that signal. So that it would reach the people all around Coimbatore.

The below figure(fig.2) is the tower which is set up in Chettipalayam station for FM broadcasting and microwave reception. This tower will receive the signal from AIR-Ramanathapuram using microwave antenna and the received signal is boosted to 10KW at the station and via the array antennae, boosted signal is broadcasted to all around Coimbatore. This tower is also shared by “Hello FM - 106.4MHz”. In this tower, two types of antennae are used. One is microwave antenna(fig.3) which is used for receiving signal from AIR-Ramanathapuram and other is array antenna(fig.4) which is used to transmit or broadcast FM signal,

Fig. 2 : Tower - Chettipalayam station

The below figures(fig. 3 and fig.4) shows the two types of antennae placed in the tower. This tower is located in Chettipalayam station.

Fig. 3 : Microwave antenna

Fig. 4 : Array antenna


  1. Why GEO satellite is used and needed this FM link? Can it be limited to LEO satellite?

  2. Whether the above mentioned 30 transponder is for payload or for ttc?
