Tuesday, March 17, 2020



          The dot and dash communication through amateur radio in military services started from the world war era.During the world war-I, the radio communications seemed to be the most critical mode of communication. An organistion was formed in the name of AUXILLARY AMATEUR RADIO SYSTEM (AARS) by the United States army signal corps. This was more helpful in gathering the manpower and war equipments during the 1st world war.The AARS employed accomplished amateur radio enthusiasts.The AARS was a partially successful effort.
          The AARS was reborn in the name of MILITARY AFFILIATE RADIO SYSTEM. This was due to the growing number of civilian service volunteering of people.Eventually Navy-marine operations ,separate army and air forces with MARS began on 1st January 1963. MARS served its best during the Korean war,Vietnam war and the Gulf war helping the servicemen to contact their  families from oversea areas. The program again changed its name to MILITARY AUXILARY RADIO SYSTEM and continued its services. MARS is an active body till date and extends its support to the defence and military departments to the fullest of its ability.


         Having a digital media portal falls into both the pro and con aspects for any country’s defence and military departments. However there are laws framed that restrict the usage of social media platforms by the soldiers.the digital media keeps the soldiers in contact with their family and friends and provides numerous benefits even after the retirement of the army person.But the con aspects dominate more in this case. Operation security is the major thing that gets affected when the soldiers share their location.The digital media allows a person to post anything of his/her heart’s desire,which will not be suitable for an army personnel.
          Defence services cannot depend only on electronic communication. At times face to face communications are necessary but that does not serve to be a confidential platform. Making the soldiers understand the consequences of posting things would compensate the the con effects of the digital media platform.Here comes the saviour of military secrets i.e. the amateur radio communication


      Usually milcom frequency ranges are not published. For monitoring the mil com activities one must search the frequency range of 225-380MHz. Monitoring the civil air band is quite a difficult job as the conversations are much shorter or sometimes in Morse codes. One could also monitor 380-400MHz frequency range for areo operations during the war times.There are many Milcom monitoring equipment , antennas and SDR are being setup to monitor the milcom activities.But it is very difficult to search the whole band of frequencies.

         The military details are much confidential and hence much information regarding the VHF and UHF bands are not disclosed. The MARS and other such organizations serve to be a point of contact to the soldiers and the public. The HAM enthusiasts serve the defence by capturing the frequencies of the terrorists and the anti world peace organizations. Therefore the HAM serves to be a great hobby and matter of serious business. 

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